Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Comparing the way two poets, John Claire and Ted Hughes, write about :: English Literature

Comparing the way 2 poets, John Claire and Ted Hughes, write about the theme of spirit and the season of summer. by means of out my essay, in which is to follow, I will be comparing theway two poets, John Claire and Ted Hughes, write about the theme ofnature and the season of summer. The two poems that I am to study areWork And Play written by Ted Hughes and Summer Images written by JohnClaire in the 1800s.In some(prenominal) the poems the poets are talking directly to us (the reader).Although both poems are about summer and nature they are coming at usfrom very diametrical points of view.In Work and Play Ted Hughes Talks directly to us about how nature interms of the sw anyow deals with summer the swallow of summer shetoils all the summer and how nature in terms of human beings dealwith summer But the holiday people were laid out like wounded flat asin ovens roasting and basting. He makes the comparison between thebeauty of the swallow and ugliness of the humans throughout the p oem.When thinking of summer one cant help but conk a rosy picture in onesmind, the beach, the sun, and the fun But Hughes paints a morerealistic picture for us. He shows us the down side and in a flashwipes away the mental picture and shows us its not all fun.Through out the poem he also points out how we are destroying oursurroundings natural endowment it a very green, environmental feel to it. Hepacifically concentrates on cars, petrol and pollution Serpent ofcars that crawl through the dust in hailing petroleum. As you canclearly suppose Ted Hughes is constantly contrasting the humans (natureat its worst) with the swallow (nature at its best).John Clairs poem comes across from a different angle. He concentrateson everything that is right with nature through out his poem we get avery romanticised view of summer, and in every stanza he describesnature to its full beauty much beauty intervenes, turn up thesilver lining to the sun. Every word that John Clair uses in his poemhe ma nages to romanticise in some way, for example the jetty snail travel from the mossy thorn John Claire softeners the word thorn byadding a soft word in front of it, in this case the word was mossy.In the sentence that Claire was writing this poems was seeing naturethrough rose coloured glasses, but he was also summing up what peopleof his time thought of nature.

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